Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma
I’m having a dilemma!
I don’t know if this is because I have phobia
Or I am just being paranoid…
I felt that he love me
But sometimes I can’t help myself to think
Yes, he do love me
Does he still love his ex-gf?
I know I should believe in him…
When I’m with him did he wish sometimes it’s his ex-gf he’s talking to and not me??
When he hugged me, or kissed me, or felt me was it me he really thinking or his ex-gf?
Does he really move on???
Lots of questions he already answered
And I believe in him
But I don’t know deep inside me there is this strange feeling…
I don’t want to entertain because it can ruin my trust to him…
Sometimes I just can’t help myself to think about it…
It’s like a sin tempting you to make a sin…
Does our song was their song????